Our Hailsham Waste Transfer Station is our Head Office. This is situated within the heart of our delivery region and therefore makes Haulaway an ideal company to service your site requirements.
This facility enables us to weigh materials in and out and allows us to segregate waste materials into their recycling properties, reducing the need for landfill.
Once we have collected your skip, it comes straight back to our waste transfer station where it is tipped out and checks are carried out to make sure there is nothing dangerous or hazardous that needs to be dealt with. Once happy, our team of experts will sort through the waste. This is mostly done through our simple yet very effective picking station where the waste goes through a mechanical and manual process of being sorted into raw recyclable products. Although, it’s not always easy, here at Haulaway, we have the confidence we are doing the absolute best with the rubbish we receive from our customers, we currently have a recycling rate of over 90%.

Waste Transfer Stations are a crucial part of the journey of waste.
Waste Transfer Stations are where waste is taken once it is collected. This is where all your skip waste it taken and tipped. While at the station, waste is sorted and separated before being transferred again to another area or facility (in our case, our Polegate site). Often waste is moved on after the Waste Transfer Station for recycling, demolition, or landfill. Our waste transfer station is available to all trades that operate with an Environmental Agency Approved Waste Carriers Licence. This means we can accept general waste, construction and inert wastes including soil, concrete and much more.
Find out more on our Trade Waste Disposal page.
Based in East Sussex, we have a state-of-the-art Waste Transfer Station, the most efficient and effective in the South East. Our waste transfer station deals with waste from all over the South East, with other waste brought in from other areas of the country to our distribution facility which we talk about more on our Polegate Distribution Facility page. This waste is brought in by our FORS accredited fleet of vehicles and by customers who have a Waste Carriers Licence.
It is very important to have a smooth running and efficient Waste Transfer Station as it plays the most important role to reduce waste to landfill in the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way.
One of the biggest benefits of Waste Transfer Stations is that they reduce transport times and therefore costs to businesses. Waste vehicles can tip at a station close to their base or customer area as transfers stations can be tipped at throughout the country. This means they won’t have to spend time throughout their day making long journeys to transfer stations thus reducing costs spent on fuel too. As you can imagine, this is a benefit to the environment also. By having accessible transfer stations, fly tipping should also therefore be reduced.
All waste brought in and out of our transfer station is recorded throughout its time at the Waste Transfer Station. Here’s how…
• Waste is brought in – Upon arrival, waste loads are weighed on the weighbridge to assess amount and allow for continued tracking. The weighbridge operator will know who is bringing the waste in, what waste is brought in, where the waste has come from, when the waste has been brought in, how much waste and also, what vehicle the waste was brought in by. A ticket is then generated with all the relevant information included.
• Waste is tipped – Waste loads are then tipped and the vehicle or used skip is able to be reassigned and quickly on its way back out again.
• Waste is sorted – Waste is segregated at the Waste Transfer Station in Hailsham according to its material type, recyclability, size, and level of hazard it presents. There are various processes and specific machinery to handle various types of waste such as the fines screen, used to sort small soils and aggregates. Manual sorting by staff is also undertaken, usually to separate specific recyclable materials.
• Waste is then taken out – Once all waste is sorted and separated, waste can be moved on from the Waste Transfer Station in Hailsham to its next destination, most of it will go to our Polegate Distribution Facility. In the hopes of helping the environment, recycling is heavily prioritised, and landfill is the last resort.